About Us
Magical Mystical Makaibari
Makaibari has pioneered Organic, Fairtrade and Biodynamic practices to tea and tropical agriculture; it was the first garden to be certified Organic in 1988, Fairtrade and Demeter in 1993. “ Partnership, not ownership” it is the idea which inspires most of Makaibari’s Corporate Social responsibility agenda initiatives.
Makaibari is the only tea garden where organic Camellia Sinensis are growing in harmony with the primary sub-tropical rain forests thanks to biodynamic/permaculture practices.
Located in Kurseong subdivision, in Darjeeling District, Makaibari sustains seven villages and 1.587 people: Kodobari (Millet Fields), Fulbari (Flower Garden) and Koilapani (Blackwater) and Cheptey are in the Western side of the estate, while Makaibari (Cornfields) , Thapathali (Thapa Village) , and Chungey are situated in the Eastern side.
To know more click on the link >> http://bit.ly/makaibari-about-us